At Common Ground Church we believe that mental health is important. The resources provided are to help facilitate a bridge between the church and its acknowledgment of the importance of seeking mental health support. We understand that reaching out for mental health support can be difficult, daunting, and time-consuming. In attempts to make this process smoother and more accessible for our church family and community, we have curated a list of local mental health professionals and helplines as a place to start. We hope that this list offers some support in taking the first step toward your mental health journey by providing contact information for each mental health professional as well as crisis helpline numbers. You are not alone in what you are facing and are always welcome here while you are working on it. 

Click Here For List of Referrals


Suicide & Crisis Hotline: Dial 988 (Open 24/7 - 365 days a year)

Domestic Violence Hotline: 800-799-7233 (Open 24/7 - 365 days a year)

Teen Challenge: 505-281-8467 (Provides help for adults & teens struggling with alcohol and/or drug dependance) 

Veterans Crisis Line: Dial 988 (ext.1) (Open 24/7 - 365 days a year) 

* Disclaimer: If you are currently experiencing a mental health emergency, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room. Common Ground Church is not affiliated with, nor endorsing, any individual, company, or organization.

How To Find a Therapist


  • Check what your insurance plan covers for mental health services or figure out your budget. Your insurance provider may even be able to provide you with a list of MH providers in your area who accept your insurance.


  • Identify what your current, needs are. What do you want to gain from therapy? Do you need support with grief, personal growth, marriage, etc. ?


  • Ask yourself who will you be most comfortalbe with? Male or Female? Young or Old? Nurturing or Scientific? Funny or Serious? Religion, ethicity, etc. 


  • Google is great but only if you know what to search. Be specific as possible. Ex. "Therapist specializing in ADHD in westside Albuquerque"


  • Sometimes google just misses. Here are other helpful websites to checkout: Psychology Today, GoodTherapy, Mental Health Match.

6. ASK

  • Ask friends or family you know go to therapy. Ask your doctor. Ask your church. And as stated before ask your insurance provider.


  • Yay! You picked a therapist! Now call and schedule an appointment! If they are waitlisted (don't panic) get on it & ask them who they recommend and go from there. 


  • You should like/trust your therapist. This won't always happen in the first appointment. Take 3-4 sessions to determine if they are a good fit. If they aren't, move down your list and try again. This may take time and it's ok.